Monday, April 23, 2007

Annotation 2 (SIRS)

Single Moms by Choice II

Single motherhood is hard but it is fantastic sometimes. Births(by insemination or adoption) for unmarried women increased by 145% from 1980 to 1988. So it must be a huge number, 19 years later. Many women are happy not being married but feel the need to have children. These women have done research and decided with their own circumstances in view, that they want to be single moms. The article also talks about how the children deal with the situation. The children ask questions such as; "why does everyone else have a daddy and not me?" The mothers just reply, "I always wanted baby, so I got you" or they just remind them about all the men they have in their lives who care for them. The article talks about how the women were able to afford being single moms by choice. Many of them had well established careers and family that would help take care of the child. Even if the grandparents didn't like the idea of their daughter raising a child on her own, once they meet their new grandchild they fall in love and all their prejudices go away. It is a personal decision that each woman has to make for herself, it is definately not right for everyone.

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