Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Annotation 6 (ProQuest)

Single Women adopt China's dolls Marital status, age prove no barrier to motherhood

This article talks about the lives of several moms who chose to adopt children from China while being single. The chinese adoption accepts and respects single, older women who want to adopt chinese babies. The article give this statistic: 30% of women from the U.S. adopting from China are single women. It is easier to get daughters from China because of the law they have there that says each family is only allowed to have one daughter which means the rest born must be given away. You must be at least 30 years old to adopt from China and the age of these single adoptive mothers tends to be 30-40 years old. Older, single women are often afraid that they won't be allowed to adopt because of their living status. One woman in the article was told because of her age and marital status that she would only be able to adopt a handicapped child. All of thewe women have overcome many obstacles to recieve their greatest joy in life: motherhood.

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